Tag Archives: robert griffin

Feeling bad for RG3

ESPN has confirmed a billion times that Luck will be going to the COLTS. That’s wonderful for him. I see the Colts with open arms taking him and working with him to be an amazing QB. The management with the Colts always takes a QB and makes him feel like family. We saw that with Peyton Manning (even though they let him go like that)

With the Redskins I don’t see it being that easy to welcome someone in. The Redskinz have had talented QBs in their program before. McNabb even said on Sportscenter that he didn’t think that RG3 should go to the Skinz. I really don’t think it’s the players that makes them suck. It’s the coaching and management. The QBs have a chain around their necks. If they don’t make the right plays or do what they want them to, they are taken out. It’s not the way a QB should be treated. I really hope that RG3 is able to get in there and break through the stiffness. He’s such a great guy and he has a great spirit and I wouldn’t want the skinz to ruin him.

I wish him luck and I really hope that he makes the skinz a winning team.

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