Tag Archives: writing


2 out of 5 Read Rating

Scammer by Anthony Newman
Jeff Mendelson’s world is turned upside down when his Ponzi scheme is discovered by his investors and they seek revenge. He is in a race against time as he and his friend Mark venture off to secure the money he’s been hiding in order to secure his future before he is finally caught. Along the way he runs into other shady people who know what he is hiding and want a piece of the action. All types of villains come out of the woodwork as Jeff battles to save himself from his own mistakes and greed. Scammer is a fast paced, suspenseful story, packed with twists and turns in every chapter.


Contact me @ elliegracenation@yahoo.com
Twitter @eeemazing

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Introducing Yourself As An Author

When I say introducing yourself as an author I don’t mean when you’re on stage in front of a crowd. I mean introducing

yourself at a social event. I’ve always heard that being an author you should always promote yourself. I always hear that

every opportunity I have to engage and talk with people about me being an author I should.


I go to different types of events all the time, but it never gets old when people first find out that I write books.

Normal answers I usually get:

A. I’ve always wanted to write a book

B. You should write about me!

C. I wish I could write a book

Then, for the rest of the event people are coming up to me, “so you’re the writer?” In that voice you give a toddler who has won a shiny gold star. I think it might be my

age, but I don’t know. Does anyone else have a phrase that people normally say once they figure out you write books?






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First Step in Planning Your Book: Part 1

The first step for me when I’m planning my book is to write a summary. Short or long I write a summary of everything that the story is.

My example idea is: A city girl comes to the country.  That’s a simple idea.

Example summary: A city girl comes to the country because her parents believe that she must spend time with her grandma

who she hasn’t since her in over ten years. She believes that it’s going to be bore until she realizes that her grandma talks to spirits

and fairies. Her grandma gives her an assignment to help a boy fairy spirit. She doesn’t want to do it and the boy doesn’t want her help.

She continues to try because it’s something do to. Ends up helping the boy and changing both of their lives.

For me. I came up with that idea right now and for some people you’ve already got that idea, but maybe you can’t summarize the whole story yet because

you can figure out what happens in the end or maybe the middle. These are the questions I ask myself while I write my story.

Who is the main character?

What does the main character do?

where does the story take place?

what is the thing that sets this story different from any other story?

What journey do I want the main character to go on?

what gives this story the wow factor?

Is there any important cast of characters around the main character?

Where do I see the main character at in the end of the book?

Once you can answer these questions you can form a summary around your idea. One question that I always ask myself is, where is the wow factor? My example of a city girl going to the farm is a very simple idea that is almost boring. Many movies have these stuck up characters go to the country where they are still stuck up. People might say I’ve heard that story before what’s different about it. I don’t see boundaries when I write, so the wow factor could be far out like she discovers aliens or as simple as a Native American tribe showing her how they live.  You see this with vampire books. Since Twilight there has been a surge of dark vampire books. There’s vampire academies, black vampires, vampires taking over, zombie vampires, teenage vampires, vampires in high school etc. Each book as something that makes it different and pop.

Along with the summary you should include any notes about the story you have. Whether it’s how many friends the main character has, names of characters, specific events that you want to happen or key phrases you want a character to say.  I usually make character list, so that I know and can list any details about them. It makes it easy for you to go back and tell what the character is, so you don’t lose yourself. This is very helpful if you plan to introduce a lot of characters throughout the book.

Wrap up.

Write your idea. Write the summary of the whole story. List other notes about the story.


& IF there’s any questions or you need any extra help leave me a comment!


Ellie Grace



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Book Writing is Simple

Book writing is simple. Writing books for me is easy. Everything and everyone is inspiring. I really feel like I could come up with a story plot about almost any topic thrown at me. My process is planning then writing. It can take about 7 days to plan the story and then within the next week I can be finished writing a 300 page novel. It’s really easy for me to do and when I explain this to other people they are in awe. They say I wish I could do that and I really want to write a book, but…   I want to figure out what the ‘but’ is and how I can help people write their books.

So, if you have a problem or something that you always get stuck on tell me. I’m willing to respond to any questions you’ve got.

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Self Publishing Friends

My last post I wrote talks about self publishing and how I believe in self publishing, but I need more self publishing friends. I’m 20 years old and I’m on my tenth book. I’ve been doing this for about two years now, but I don’t know everything. Self publishing you are totally on your own. I love this, but then again I don’t. I have questions and I’m constantly googling self publishing blogs to see what they do and if I’m doing the same things. Trying to get tips from authors and writers everywhere, but sometimes I just need a friend.

to my self publishing people out there! LET’S BE FRIENDS!
Let’s work together. Let me talk about your books on my blog and on my twitter. Let’s get through this together!


Ellie Grace





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Self Publishing Is Traditional

I’m a self publisher. 20 years old and I’m working on publishing my tenth book.

People argue that self publishing is bad and self publishing doesn’t have the quality that traditional publishers do, but I argue that self publishing is the most traditional way of publishing. Before there were publishing houses writers sat and hand wrote their short stories to share with people and before that people would pay to hear a story told of distant places. People were creating all by themselves. They were finding ways to get their work out and be paid for it.

Many people don’t realize that so many of the famous stories we love and look back to were self published first. Whether their stories were first denied by publishers or they self published first, they were self published. I can’t stand people who say all self published books are horrible because it’s very likely that a book you love was once self published.

It is traditional to share talents. It is traditional to put your foot out about something you’re passionate about. It is traditional to try to make money doing what you love to do. It is also traditional to take chances. Self publishers put themselves out there and work very hard to promote writings that they believe in. I say taking chances and that makes me laugh because it seems like I’m asking you to read a huge self published novel with a cover that has words misspelled.  No, that is not what I’m asking. I’m only asking that you don’t throw all self publishing authors in the same bin.

As for self publishing authors, I’m sticking up for us, but you better write the best gosh darn novel! (LOL.) Don’t put out crap. Edit and re-edit. Ask a friend, family member or me to read through what you write. You know what your novel is supposed to say, but someone else reading it only reads what it does say. For self publishing authors giving free ebooks is the best way to gain readers and test your foot in the publishing waters.

Self publishing is traditional. Putting your self and your work out there is traditional. It’s ordinary to share your work, but you hope that people find your work more extraordinary than anyone else in your field. So, good luck.



Ellie Grace



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Hey everyone!

My kickstarter has nine days left!!!!!! Please check it out and tell a friend.

I will write about anything you want, tits, grass, doors, zombies, cell phones, girls, frats, babies, vampires, obama, rainbows, dragons, fish, spongebob, Kevin Dyrant, Kobe, stabbing, gangs, drag queens, WHATEVER YOU WANT etc.

Anything you pick I will write about! Love you!


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Gays & Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America have come out and said that they will NOT allow gays. They don’t allow gay troop leaders or gay boy scouts. Do they have a right to discriminate? Yes, because they are a private organization. I think with recent events such as the catholic church and Penn State where boys have been “touched” or mistreated people are more cautious. No one wants a scandal like that. Though I still believe that if a boy wants to be a scout he should be able to. Having to hide who you are sucks. For me, (I’m a girl) I hate camping. This isn’t any issue that affects me, but I like to see how others feel about it. Leave a comment.

Also, check out my kickstarter! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1284709813/let-me-tell-your-story

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You Can!

You can! What does this mean? It means exactly what it says. You can. You can do whatever you set your mind on. Some things aren’t accepted by the public and some are rather dangerous, so I would stay away from those, but anything else you can do and you should do.


As a young person that has finished high school and didn’t go to college it can be tough. Most people don’t understand how tough it’s been. I want to be a successful author. I know I can be successful I just have to keep working hard. Many people support my decision to follow my own path to become a writer, but it seems sometimes the path is lonely. I love writing. Writing is MY thang. I don’t want to be anything else if I can’t be writer. So, even when people think I sit at home all day and do nothing with my time, or even when people think that I probably won’t make it without having a degree, I push forward because in my mind I already see myself achieving my goal. I told my parents that I’d publish a book before I left high school and I did. I feel like I can always reach my goals. To some people they think I have set a really high goal for myself, but I don’t think it’s that far. I think I’ve ready started on the ladder of success.

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What My Dreams Do For Me

Here In My Dreams – Kid Cudi

I love dreaming. Whether it’s day dreaming or sleeping. I love dreaming. Many people tell me that you shouldn’t waste all your time in bed. I don’t waste time while I am in bed. I get a good nine hours of rest, but it’s what happens during my rest period that is so great. My dreams are the most vivid. My dreams are mini movies that are so great I never want to wake up from. My friends and family that hear my dreams are always asking Can I switch dreams with you? I wouldn’t switch dreams with anyone. Having a mind that gives me movies makes me have creative energy to write books with. Many of my stories have started out as a part of my dream. Then, when I am actually writing out my stories in my head I see them as the movies that they are. Sometimes when I am writing and I don’t know where to go next I close my eyes and play options over in my mind. It’s a wonderful thing I’d never want to get rid of.

What does your mind do for you?

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