Tag Archives: writer

Are You A Writer OR Something Else?

Are you just a writer or are you something else?

I was hanging with some friends and they were explaining to this young kid that I was a writer. The kid happened to be playing with crayons and started to write on a piece of paper. “I’m a writer now too.” he said. They laughed and told him that I write a lot more words than that. So, he started to write all the words that he knew.

I laughed because it was true. He was a writer, but I was something different from JUST a writer. It made me think everyone is a writer. Students writing essays are writers. Even though they hate their entire lives while writing them. Everyone and anyone can be a writer by definition.

But, I’m different, right? Maybe it’s my human way of wanting to feel special or unique or whatever, but I must have another title that’s more appropriate.

Again I was talking to this girl, who has written a book and hasn’t published it yet. She’s like I’m trying to be an author, but I have yet to publish the book that I have written. Then, she quickly corrected herself and said, Yes! I am an author!

An author is a composer of a literary work. So, yes, she is an author and I am an author whether I have published or not.

I feel that a lot of people think they have to be published to be an author or have written something extremely long. You are an author with your story that’s 10 pages. You are an author if you’ve written 230 pages and you hate all of them.

Does book sales or publishing make you a proper author? I have no idea how I feel about that, but I think that as authors we should celebrate every accomplishment we make. Writing is hard for some and easy for others. So, you finally finished 100 pages that’s a celebration. You’ve finished your first book. It’s a celebration. You’ve figured out your characters and plot and the ending, it’s a celebration.

Celebrate being an author.

Celebrate by getting yourself an “I AM AN AUTHOR” tee at my website



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Gays & Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America have come out and said that they will NOT allow gays. They don’t allow gay troop leaders or gay boy scouts. Do they have a right to discriminate? Yes, because they are a private organization. I think with recent events such as the catholic church and Penn State where boys have been “touched” or mistreated people are more cautious. No one wants a scandal like that. Though I still believe that if a boy wants to be a scout he should be able to. Having to hide who you are sucks. For me, (I’m a girl) I hate camping. This isn’t any issue that affects me, but I like to see how others feel about it. Leave a comment.

Also, check out my kickstarter! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1284709813/let-me-tell-your-story

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You Can!

You can! What does this mean? It means exactly what it says. You can. You can do whatever you set your mind on. Some things aren’t accepted by the public and some are rather dangerous, so I would stay away from those, but anything else you can do and you should do.


As a young person that has finished high school and didn’t go to college it can be tough. Most people don’t understand how tough it’s been. I want to be a successful author. I know I can be successful I just have to keep working hard. Many people support my decision to follow my own path to become a writer, but it seems sometimes the path is lonely. I love writing. Writing is MY thang. I don’t want to be anything else if I can’t be writer. So, even when people think I sit at home all day and do nothing with my time, or even when people think that I probably won’t make it without having a degree, I push forward because in my mind I already see myself achieving my goal. I told my parents that I’d publish a book before I left high school and I did. I feel like I can always reach my goals. To some people they think I have set a really high goal for myself, but I don’t think it’s that far. I think I’ve ready started on the ladder of success.

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massage therapist

I have decided that I should stick to my writing career and become a massage therapist. <— that doesn’t make an sense, but I will, of course, explain. As a writer it may take a while to make it big in the business, so you need to have a back up job or hobby. For me since I don’t really like the idea of sitting in college classes to study something that’s really going to be second place to my writing doesn’t really make sense. So, I’m going to become a massage therapist. yay me! I like giving massages. I used to give massages to people during classes or to calm them down and to many family members I’ve got good hands. I think that’s something that I could do while I am still writing. LOOK OUT THE WRITER IS GOING TO BE MASSAGE YOUR BACK! I DON’T DO FEEET! (:

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