Monthly Archives: February 2011

Rainy Day

I woke up this morning feeling under the weather, but I still wanted to post on my blog. Posting everyday helps me let out my love for writing even when I am not feeling well.  Last night had this productive plan of how today would go, but when I woke up this morning everything was different. My throat hurt, my head was heavy, and my nose was running. I took some nyquil and I knocked out. When I woke up I found out that today was a rainy day which made me even less enthusiastic about getting to work. Rainy days are the best for naps. A lot of people tell me that, but I never know why.  I hope to maybe get some work done today. I have put on Kyle XY from netflix and I’ll probably open two word documents after this blog is posted. I hope everyone is having a productive monday!

Be A Character

So many times when I tell people that I am writer and that I write books they’ll say you should make me a character in your next book. At first I laughed at this, but as the number of people who said this grew and the amount of people that kept repeating that they wanted to be a character in my book didn’t stop. I started to get a little annoyed. I don’t think annoyed is the right word, but it fits. I’m fine with people that joke about being in my book, but for those people that think I should seriously put them in a book I always ask why?  Why are you such a special person that a character should be based off of you? I don’t mean this in a mean way, but many of these people are very basic people. They live and breathe and they don’t do anything really worth a story. Everyone says that people like to read stories they can relate to. I am sure a lot of people could relate to these normal people, but in my writing I don’t like to be normal. I love a good twist and excitement. I have meet plenty of interesting people that have made their way into my stories. I love putting people I have met into my stories, I love that, but there has to be a reason why someone would want to read about you. I feel so mean because I am telling people that no one wants to read about their lives. I love you normal people, but I can’t write about you. But if you’ve got a unique personality, you’re a totally interesting person, you want a story written about you or have a story that could be inspiring I’d love to write it. kill my twitter with tweets. @egpubs. I am always writing. It takes me like a week to write a novel size book. I could do a little ghost writing.

Anyways, enjoy your weekend, if you’re in NOVA or DC it’s DC’s fashion week! It’s coming to an enddd!

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Oh, boy!

I WANT TO BE A GIRLY GIRL TOO! Maybe it’s the pink nail polish on my finger nails or pink lip gloss I am wearing on my lips. I don’t know why, but today I wanted to talk about boys! *turns on Boys by Britney Spears*

I am really too busy with my writing to deal with certain types of guys. I’m rather mature for my age, so dealing with guys that don’t understand my drive to be successful is hard. If I’ll be wasting time I don’t want any part of it. Don’t worry I believe everyone deserve a chance.

Lately guys have been real annoying though. I can’t deal with immaturity, or jealously. I want to have fun, but I don’t want to feel like I am with a high schooler.

I like classy guys. They act real nonchalant and understanding. They don’t play games, they say how they feel and I know what I am getting into. Honestly is really everything. I love creative minds, energetic personalities, and hopefully their fashionable. My standards really don’t seem that high, but there’s not that many guys that are down to earth around.

I feel like I just have my ad for eharmony. This is so corny and cheesy, but I wanted to talk about boys, so  I talked about boys. Hope you enjoyed this!

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Now Playing: TkO

Today my music review takes us into the world of Electronic flash Dance with a little House splashed with Dub. As of late there has been a lot of artist, such as Britney Spears and The Black Eyed Peas, that are using more electronic or dance type feel to their music. Many people who love mainstream music don’t realize that there’s a whole group and movement with Electronic music. There are people that have been making this music way before Britney Spears. I have a young artist, age 19, recently started in this music genre.  I say recently as in the last 4 or 5 years of his life picked up producing this music. He’s from London, UK and his name is TkO. I received a message to check out his music and I thought sure why not. When I heard “Call The Amb’b’Lance” I instantly started moving my shoulders and saying, “there’s a fire”.  The backbeats are composed very well and the chipped voice is perfectly spaced. After the first time I listened to that song the words were imbedded in my head. I found myself an hour later saying, “There’s a fire, there’s a fire”.  From a song like “A Love Letter For Ms. Rogers” and “I Left My Heart In Durban” you can see how all over the map this guy can be. He isn’t only using Electronic dub beats. He puts a piano, strings, Hip-hop bass, drums, etc. People who make music want to express themselves, but at the same time differ from everything you’ve already heard. TkO expresses himself and differs from most of the music I’ve heard. He’s music shows no boundaries and I like that. There’s a fire starting in my heart and it will start in yours when you check out his music.


GENRE – Electronica/ Dance/ House/ Dub

MUSIC –!/tkizzo


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The Sane Passion

Writing is what I do. It’s what I love. It’s what I am good at. I could do this in my sleep if my brain allowed me to. Even though when I was little I never saw writing in my future. I had the imagination when I was little, but I was horrible at writing. I grew up challenged with learning disabilities. I was writing letters and numbers backwards.  I could talk about my ideas just fine, but writing them down was very hard. My brain couldn’t figure out how things were spelled and I would skip whole words in a sentence without realizing it till my teacher would read what I wrote back to me. Through years of special classes my writing, my imagination, and my brain finally started to work together. To me it’s so crazy how much the special classes helped me. Writing started to become this disease to me. I get ideas from everything and my mind is always thinking about writing. My mind is like a never stopping movie theater. I have so many movies I need to show to the world, but it’s difficult to show off your writing. Most people don’t like reading, so I have to figure a way to hook them. I can hook then, but I have to get them into my door before they pick up a book. Musicians can easily record and produce music. You press play and you listen nothing more to it. With writing people sometimes say they don’t have time to read all of it, or they get distracted. Reading is something that is usually a one task type thing. You can’t clean your room and read a book unless it’s a book on tape. But I don’t have that technology. With every post on this blog I try to hook people into seeing what I am all about because I won’t quit my writing. It will take some time to become known, but I will achieve if I believe.

Check out my book!

Happy President’s Day!

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Now Playing: Mikeyy

Today I’m switching things up to review a talented youngster that goes by Mikeyy, who is from Landover, Maryland. I haven’t yet reviewed a musician and what I mean by that is I haven’t reviewed someone based only on the music. Usually there are lyrics and vocals to judge, but today I am in a whole new territory. Sometimes people forgot that there are producers involved with the artists. Most times an artist doesn’t make the beat by themselves they have a producer that sends them a beat to rap or sing to. To produce music you have to really know music. You have to be able to know when to add more or less bass, drums, piano, guitar, etc. There are so many things that go into making a great beat and Mikeyy knows what he is doing. When you listen to an instrumental having good headphones is key because you can hear all elements that went into making the music what it is. For example when I listened to “My Time, Your Time, Our Time, Christmas Time” without my headphones I didn’t get the full effect of what he had done. I could hear the heavy beat and the piano which I thought was soothing, but then I listened with my Koss Pro DJ headphones and I discovered a whole another element to the song. There’s drums playing in the background that gives the song more of a rhythmic bounce. By listening to Mikeyy’s instrumental beats you see that this guy knows what he is doing. Not only is he talented, he’s young. He’s only 16 years old making his passion into a job. People say that music right now is losing the heart it used to have, but with young and talented people like Mikeyy, there’s hope that the music industry won’t completely be full of meaningless music. So, if you need a beat/instrumental Mikeyy is sure to supply you with something that won’t disappoint.

ARTIST – Mikeyy

GENRE – Instrumentals


TWITTER – @TheMikeyyMusic

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Now Playing: SON!X

For my second Now Playing review I am reviewing an artist that goes by SON!X. I found SON!X on in my local section. As a resident of Northern Virgina artists from D.C. are close to me. SON!X is a different type of artist that could have his on category. I say this because first I listened to “Senses” and I thought yes, this is pop and dance, but then I listened to “Coffee (That Girl)” and I thought this sounds a little more soul. Not soul like gospel, but soul like letting your soul out in a soft compassionate way that R&B does. I might also think that he is soulful because I feel like a soul was put into his music. Sung from the heart is the easiest way to say it. “Senses” is a sassy and seductive song. I can envision a music video with a hot chick and a hot dude feeling attracted to each other and a little slow motion. Makes me want to get up and dance slow and move my hips like a belly dancer. Then, “My Lov” had me bouncing my shoulders when the song started. The beat, the lyrics, the voice just had me going. I can’t sing like him, but this song will have you trying your best. SON!X can be placed with  Michael Jackson and Prince, people who he was influenced by, although his music is very unique. SON!X’s voice is smooth and different. His songs are upbeat and fun. Whether you’re looking for something sassy, fun, unique or just want to dance SON!X should be on the list of artist you check out.


LABEL – Unsigned

GENRE – Pop/Dance



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Promotion Headache

Recently I have been trying to start promoting my books more seriously. This is a serious task. As much as people say that promotion is easy with Facebook & Twitter not everyone believes that they see on Twitter. Many times on Twitter I have said, “I need new music to listen to.” A stranger will tweet back to me about some spam for music. I don’t want people to think that I am spamming them or if they open a link that they’ll be sucked into a black hole. I only want them to preview my book and maybe, hopefully, cross my fingers that they’ll end up buying my books. I know my books aren’t full of crap.

Aside from all of the social networking sites there’s also Youtube. I have a Youtube account, but I don’t use it like I should.  I am trying to figure out ideas on how I can market while using Youtube to get my face and my books into people’s minds.

The last thing that seems to work wonderfully if you have the right way to go about things is word of mouth and fliers. I think the more outrageous the flier is the more people will look at it and go WHOOAAA, I need to check that out. I don’t even think that the flier needs to have anything about the book on it. It could have a beautiful picture or a hot guy on it and many people would be on my website trying to figure out what this was all about. Though, I am lacking the help from people around me to spread the word. I need help putting up fliers and littering the streets with anything that’s eye catching.

Hopefully, I’ll figure it out and be on my way to success. If you have any ideas on how I should go about promoting myself with my books I’d love to hear about it.

Handmade & Handcrafted

Happy Valentine’s Day! I know that today is the day I should have a love post, but I’m not really a mushy person. I’m romantic, but without the gush. Today, I just want to talk about how much I love handmade and handcrafted things.

Since I was in middle school I’ve been more about people putting thought into gifts they give me. Many people think that the bigger the gift the more I appreciate them. I always have to tell people that I don’t really want anything big, I don’t want anything that costs too much. I don’t need any of that. I love handmade notes, letters, cards, cakes, etc. I’m a very crafty person so many people when they make a card they think that I won’t like it, but when you put your heart into something it shows. I just want to see that people didn’t rush out and buy something. I like the thought and the feeling of being cared about. Is that so corny? I feel like it’s rather corny, but it’s the truth.It’s almost like how I love writing letters. Mostly because I love writing to people and people love receiving things in the mail that aren’t bills or junk.

To me handmade, handcrafted presents are the best. They mean so much more than the normal store bought item. Although sometimes it’s okay to switch up what you do. Enjoy the day of hearts.

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Waving Hello

I’m just waving hello to everyone. I’m in a bit of a funk with my writing lately. I’ve been having all these great ideas, but then the motivation to write the stories is lost. Maybe I need to go on a run to get me feeling lose. Maybe I have too many ideas that when I try to write it’s like an explosion. I’ve been brainstorming ways to market my books and get out there, but I haven’t had the time to get out there and do it. I’ve got to just do it. Then more  people will start getting interested in my books. I have so much to say in my stories. So many points to get across, but nobody is listening yet. I guess I have to be the one that finds those people and waves hello. I must keep believing in myself  because at the end of the day it’s only me.

Also, a lot of people loved the now playing review and I’ve been trying to keep doing those, but I haven’t yet found an artist that will sweep you and me off our feet. I’ll figure it out and get back to you. Have a wonderful start to your week. Pray for no snow (: